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Biography of Viktor Bilčík

He was born on the 16th of august 1938 in Nové Mesto nad Váhom, Slovakia. Father Jozef Bilčík was a skilled mechanic locksmith and motor mechanic. Mother Anna Bilčíková, nee Adamková worked as a salesclerk and later as a housewife. Other than their son Viktor they had a younger daughter Anna. Father Jozef in spite of his profession had a profound artistic talent. He drew, painted paintings and played the viola in Považie symphonic orchester in Nové Mesto nad Váhom. Mother Anna had a talent for dramatics and was for long years a part of the amateur’s theater in Nové Mesto nad Váhom.

Viktor Bilčík completed his high school studies in Nové Mesto nad Váhom, successfully graduating in the year 1956. Next followed a study at the College of Arts in Bratislava under the professors Peter Matejka, Dezider Milly and Karol Veselý. Completed with a promotion to a painter in the year 1963. That same year, Viktor Bilčík married Alžbeta Repová. They had two children, a son Boris and a daughter Barbora.

After his promotion, Viktor Bilčík worked as a proffesional restorer for the Slovak National Gallery in Bratislava, later as a an independent restorer for the Slovak Institute for Protection of Monuments and Nature in Bratislava. He also worked in the State Restoration Studios from where he left to retirement. As a restorer Viktor Bilčík worked on the saving of many national relics in all over Slovakia. For example, the gothic altar of Mary in Pukanec, mortuary and epitaphs in Trnava, the salvation of relics from the flooded area of Liptovská Mara and many more paintings and sculptures. He also created a copy of „Posledná večera“ (Last Supper) by master Pavol from Levoča for the World exhibition in Montreal.

In his own painting work, he deals mainly with portraying nature with emphasis on animal content. Among his most famous paintings are „Devana“ and „Poľovnícke pastorále“, which are the property of the muzeum in St. Anton, and a set of paintings from old Nové Mesto nad Váhom, which are the property of the gallery of Peter Matejka in Nové Mesto nad Váhom. Other than those, he created many paintings with nature themes mainly with game nad wildlife.  Viktor was a member of the Association of Slovak artists. Nowadays, he is a member of Creative discussions of Slovakia and the Artistic group „Návraty“ (Returns). He had several individual exhibitions and attends annual collective exhibitions in Slovakia.

Viktor Bilčík was awarded the title „Significant Person Podjavorina“ for his life long work. He was also awarded the „Honorary citizenship“ of village Pukanec and in the year 2009 the title „Personality of the city“ in his home city of Nové Mesto nad Váhom. His greatest hobby is hunting, which he is dedicated to since 1962. Even in hunting, for it’s propagation he created many diplomas, illustrations, posters and calendars, and in the year 1999 he issued an autobiographic book called „Spomienky“ or Memories. For his lifelong activity in propagating hunting he was awarded twice with the Medal of Sv. Hubert and the highest award For Merit and the Golden Chamois. In the year 2006 he was awarded the Bronze medal of the Ministry of agriculture of the Slovak Republic.


©Ondrej Bilčík 2009